Thursday, November 30, 2017

G Has a New Oldest Grandchild

G is very pleased to announce the arrival of her "new" oldest grandson---delivered  to the US at 7:00 PM on Nov. 30 by way of Delta from his homeland of Ukraine. 
Meet Valik, with his new family (he's the second tallest).
G is very happy and thankful that you are finally here safe and sound! We are grateful for the family in Ukraine that sheltered and loved you until you could come.
Know that we love you, too!

ласкаво просимо
 Behold, children are a gift of the Lord.  Psalm 127:3

Sunday, November 26, 2017

G's Lego Land Adventure

G does not consider putting tiny little pieces of things together her strong suit. That would include 1000 piece (or even 25 piece) puzzles,  jewelry making or Legos. Reading books, she can do. Making up board games, yes. Getting snacks and making butter toast....sure!  Putting together Lego cities?  Hmmmmm. Not today.
But then the Showdown...a trip to Walmart resulted in Lego packages requiring construction of elaborate scenery from little tiny pieces.  

First G had to find a tray to work on so that those little tiny pieces wouldn't end up all over the floor.
Then G had to find her glasses to read the instructions properly. Because without being able to read those very easy step by step instructions, there was No Way this was going to happen.
But then when those first items started to come together...G was hooked. She really could put little tiny pieces together to make things like a Lego cow or a Lego raft and not Lose. Her. Mind!!
OK, Dunc, you and G can do this...but just not every single day....and your mama will help you finish it!

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord.         Psalm 127:3

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Strategy Meeting in the Old Kitchen

So, Duncan, Gunner and G escaped from the Dinosaurs into the Old Kitchen!
And once safe, we lit the candles and had a meeting.
Duncan wanted to discuss how to make new coats to protect us from the dinosaurs.
The old cloaks we used to use were made with the wrong kind of dino teeth (i.e., they were T-Rex instead of Velociraptor), and  they faded and are no longer invisible.
[Don't you hate it when that happens?]
Gunner practiced using the spinning wheel on which the cloaks or coats could be made.
And then....
We blew out the candles...
And found another safe space where the dinosaurs could not see us.
Safe is good!

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord.           Psalm 127:3

Thursday, November 2, 2017

O Happy Day!

Valik John's Gotcha! Day!
No longer an orphan...the orphanage is no longer home.
Leaving with his possessions in an orange plastic bag and some difficult memories.

Sing to God, sing praises to his name; 
lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts;
his name is the Lord; exult before him!
Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.
Psalm 68:4-5

Due to ever-present red tape, it may be some time before his new daddy can bring him home, but he is in good hands with folks who love him until then.
Behold, children are a gift of the Lord.  
Psalm 127:3